防静电,即抗静电铝膜处理,是在滤材表面覆盖一层极薄导电透气的金属铝涂层, 避免静电跳火,适用于防爆工况除尘。 注:可按用户具体要求定做,滤筒实际颜色可能与图片颜色有差异,以实物为准。所有规格滤筒均可提供防静电处理。
Anti-static, that is, anti-static aluminum processing, is in the filter surface covered with a layer of thin aluminum breathable conductive coating, to avoid flash over static for dust explosion-proof condition. Note: the user specific requirements can be customized, the color for filter may be related to the actual color picture are different in, pls according with the production. All the specifications available to deal with anti-static.