Ultra Coolant
Ultra Coolant is an engineered synthetic coolant designed to achieve peak compressor performance for contact cooled rotary screw air compressors. Ultra Coolant's unique formulation allows for long life, excellent cooling performance and improved compressor efficiency.
Model Base Stock ISO Viscosity
SAE Grade Viscosity Index CNN Hours
Box of Gallons (4) 1-gallon PAG-Ester 46 10W20 172 39170410 8000 (2yr)
Pail 5 gallon PAG-Ester 46 10W20 172 39433735 8000(2yr)
Drum 55 gallon PAG-Ester 46 10W20 172 39433743
目前市场,假冒英格索兰螺杆空压机油又称超级冷却剂:39433735/5加仑,18.9L桶,用合成双酯类油冒充.大桶39433743 55加仑桶,用合成双酯类油冒充.目前,东莞 上海 深圳 苏州地区出现大量假冒空压机油!望中国区客户小心识别采购!假油一旦使用,后果不堪设想!!!使用寿命才3000小时,就严重结焦 发黑!正品超冷剂,化学成份:聚二元醇酯醚,使用后颜色变红,而非发黑,现在挂羊头卖狗肉的某些英格索兰代理商,也在销售发黑油!望客户以质量为准则采购纯正英格索兰空压机油,不能仅看授权书,被假相迷惑。目前国内出现超**假冒空压机油,望中国区客户小心上当受骗。