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商品: 120立方工业制氮机 
单价: 面议
品牌: 未填写
地区: 浙江杭州市
销量: 累计出售 0 件,0 个订单
评价: 已有 0 条评价
库存: 还剩 0
人气: 已有 265 人关注
更新: 2012-03-21
杭州鼎岳空分设备有限公司,是一家专业生产制氮机的生产厂家.公司提供各类规格的制氮机其中有每小时120立方工业制氮机,150立方制氮机组, 500立方制氮设备等等。欢迎广大顾客前来选购。制氮机分为:深冷空分制氮,分子筛空分制氮,膜空分制氮,其中,制氮机是分子筛空分制氮为主。
每立方120立方工业制氮机主要的方法为:以空气为原料,以碳分子筛作为吸附剂,运用变压吸附原理,利用碳分子筛对氧和氮的选择性吸附而使氮和氧分离的方法。此方法工艺流程简单、自动化程度高、产气快、能耗低,产品纯度可在较大范围内根据用户需要进行调节,操作维护方便、运行成本较低、装置适应性较强等特点, PSA制氮已成为中、小型氮气用户的**方法。
一. SMT行业应
二. 半导体硅行业
三. 半导体封装行业
四. 电子元器件行业
五. 化工、新材料行业行业
六. 粉末冶金,金属加工行业,热处理行业
七. 食品、制药等行业行业
八. 其他使用领域
九. 除此之外,在煤矿、注塑、钎焊、轮胎充氮橡、橡胶硫化等众多领域也得到广泛使用。
从以上几点,大大的反应出制氮机适用广泛。深得广大商家的喜爱。 制氮机的技术指标
1.空压机压力:0.6-1.0Mpa 2.氮气流量:3-3000Nm3/h 3.氮气纯度:90%-99.9995%
4.氮气出口压力:0.2-0.85Mpa 5.原料:洁净压缩空气 以上指标为相对关键指标,具体内容请咨询我公司,咨询时请备注制氮机。 另外,除了对制氮机的咨询,也欢迎广大客户前来咨询我公司其他产品。例如压缩空气净化设备、PSA制氮装置、PSA制氧装置、VPSA制氧装置、氮气纯化装置、膜分离制氮、氧装置及中小型深冷设备等等。我公司将热忱为您服务。 CSA号7727-37-9 Hangzhou Ding Yue Kong Equipment Company Limited, is a professional production of nitrogen making machine manufacturer. The company provide various specifications of the nitrogen making machine which has 50 cubic nitrogen nitrogen producing units, 150 cubic meters, 500 cubic nitrogen equipment and so on. Welcome customers to buy. Nitrogen making machine is divided into : cryogenic air separation nitrogen, molecular sieve nitrogen air separation, membrane air separation nitrogen, the nitrogen making machine is a molecular sieve air separation nitrogen. Nitrogen making machine main method is: using air as raw materials, carbon molecular sieve as adsorbent by pressure swing adsorption principle, using carbon molecular sieve of the oxygen and nitrogen adsorption selectivity of the nitrogen and oxygen separation method. This method has the advantages of simple process, high degree of automation, rapid gas production, low energy consumption, the purity of the product available in a large range according to the user need adjustment, convenient operation and maintenance, low in operation cost and equipment adaptability and other characteristics, PSA nitrogen has become small and medium-sized nitrogen users preferred method. Nitrogen application scope are: 1 SMT industry should 2 semiconductor silicon industry 3 semiconductor packaging industry 4 electronic components industry 5 chemical, new material industry 6 powder metallurgy, metal processing industry, heat treatment industry 7 food, medicine and other industries. 8 other field of use 9 besides, in the coal mine, injection molding, brazing, nitrogen tire inflator rubber, vulcanized rubber and other fields has been widely used. From the above points, greatly reflect nitrogen making machine is applicable widely. Won the majority of merchants love. Nitrogen machine technical parameters 1 air compressor pressure : 0.6-1.0Mpa 2 nitrogen flow : 3-3000Nm3 / h 3 : 90%-99.9995% nitrogen purity 4 : 0.2-0.85Mpa nitrogen outlet pressure 5 raw materials: clean compressed air The above indicators for the relative key indicators, the specific content of advisory company, consult please note the time of nitrogen making machine. In addition, in addition to the nitrogen machine advice, also welcomed the overwhelming majority of customers come to the consultation in other products of our company. For example, compressed air purification equipment and PSA nitrogen producing device, PSA VPSA oxygen generating device, the oxygen generating device, nitrogen purification devices, membrane separation nitrogen, oxygen device and small cryogenic equipment and so on. I will warmly for your service. CSA 7727-37-9