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发布时间:2008-07-22        浏览次数:159        返回列表




                            The Nucleus of Team Construction














Ten Rules for Encouraging Employees




























Great Rules for Improving Your Life

---Squeaking vs Moaning & Visualise Success






 Squeaking vs Moaning -  There is an old English saying.” The squeaky wheel gets the grease”. This metaphor means that those who speak up and shout out will often get the attention they seek and will see the changes they deem necessary take place.

There is an ancient saying, “Ask and you shall receive.” Over several years working for a number of different firms in China, I have certainly found this to be true. Despite this universality, there seems to be a serious lack of “squeaking” in companies across the country. You should certainly begin to encourage squeaking in your organization, However, should exclude an important exception C moaning. There is a very big difference between a “squeak” and a “moan”.

Squeaks are positive, specific, action oriented messages expressed in the future sense. You should direct a squeak at the person responsible for making changes. Examples of squeaks include:

・         Please make sure that you send the information at least two days before the deadline in the future.

・         Could you help me to access my account? I keep getting error message 3110.

・         It would be great if you could make sure to bring Clark Morgan pens next time, so that we impress the clients.

・         Make sure always to smile when you are on the phone with clients.

Moans is contrast, are negative and expressed in either the past or present tense. A moan does not give an action and will often over generalize a complaint without offering a solution. Moaners often also direct their comments to people who are not responsible for taking action. Here are a few examples of moans:

・         This email looks terrible

・         I can’t work the database

・         She is so stupid

・         He never listens to me.

Squeaking takes on the belief that things will change, improve, and problems will be resolved. I can attest to this-with enough squeaking they certainly will! In contrast, moaners have a negative outlook, believing that things are bad. So, to make themselves feel better, they make others feel bad. They share their negativity and create a really “bad vibe ” in your office.

So, how do you create a culture of squeakers in your company? Some ideas include:

・         Lavishing encouragement and praise on your squeakers.

・         Giving an award to “squeaker of the month.”

・         Putting a poster on the wall with “Squeak C don’t moan!” splashed across it.

・         Having a “Squeak Box” for employees to submit their squeaks

・         Holding “Squeak time” during meetings

How do you remove the moaners? That is simple. Give two warnings, one verbal, one written when their complaining becomes a problem.

Visualize Success C In Steven Covey’s book ‘The 7 habits of Highly Effective People’, one of the habits he emphasizes is “always start with the end in mind”. A few years ago, I learned this particular principle in a very powerful way during NIP training course in America. Part of the training was to do a “Broad Break”, which involved putting the base of my hand through a 5cm thick piece of wood, like a kung-fu master. The big problem was that I did not truly believe that I could do it, so when my time came to break the board, out trainers coached us. First, we learned the correct stance and movement. Second, we learned how to believe that we would break the board, and that we were not just trying to do it. Finally, they asked us to “see the board already broken”.

I told the trainer that I did not know how I could visualize that. So he took a board, broke it, and held the pieces up between my hands. He said, “Blink your eyes to take photo of this in your mind”. Then he took the broken board away and brought out the unbroken one. As I looked forward, I concentrated hard on seeing the board already broken in my mind…I saw it…I saw it…I saw it. Then I punched my hand forward, and “Crack!” The wood was in two pieces and I had done what I previously thought to be impossible. It made me start thinking “what else can I do that I previously thought was impossible?” Just a couple of years later, my buddy and I began building the largest corporate training company in China.