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机电设备 传感器 编码器 卡件 模块

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您当前的位置:首页 » » IC693UDR001NP1
商品: IC693UDR001NP1 
单价: 面议
品牌: 未填写
地区: 福建福州市
销量: 累计出售 0 件,0 个订单
评价: 已有 0 条评价
库存: 还剩 0
人气: 已有 368 人关注
更新: 2011-04-26
IC693CPU311 5-Slot Base With CPU in base(6K Bytes User Program)
IC693CPU313 5-Slot Base With Turbo CPU in base(0.6 ms),(12K Bytes User Program)
IC693CPU323 10-Slot Base With Turbo CPU in base(0.6 ms),(12K Bytes User Program)
IC693CPU331 CPU 331 Module(16K Bytes)
IC693CPU340 CPU 340 Module, (32K Bytes user memory), 10K Registers, 0.3 ms/K
IC693CPU341 CPU 341 Module, (80K Bytes user memory), 10K Registers, 0.3 ms/K
IC693CPU350 CPU 350 Module(32K Bytes user memory,4K I/O)
IC693CPU351 CPU 351 Module (240k Bytes configurable memory,4K I/O,2 built-in Serial Ports)
IC693CPU352 CPU 352 Module (240k Bytes configurable memory,4K I/O, built-in Serial Ports),

Floating pt math
IC693CPU360 CPU 360 Module (240k Bytes configurable memory,4K I/O,no built-in Serial Ports)
IC693CPU363 CPU 363 Module (240K Bytes user memory,configurable)
IC693CPU374 CPU 374 Module (240K Bytes configurable user memory) The battery for the CPU is now

included in the CPU backplane box, Embedded